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Spoken Word

as a hobby

AKA: Performance Poetry, Slam Poetry

Spoken word is a weapon of mass creation. It can tear down walls, build bridges, and ignite sparks. It can make you laugh, cry, think, and feel. It can challenge you, change you, and inspire you.

Jennifer L. Smith

Spoken word is a form of poetry that is performed out loud, often with passion and emotion. It can be a fun and rewarding hobby that allows you to express yourself, connect with others, and explore various topics and issues. To get started, you can write your own poems, watch videos of spoken word performances, join online or local poetry communities, and attend or participate in poetry events.

Helpful content to get started

We curated content to familiarize you with spoken word as a hobby and to inspire and help you get started.

We strive for accuracy, but errors may occur. Always use your judgment.

Refer to the listed resources for further research.

Short visual inspiration.

Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression to My Mother
YouTube | Sabrina Benaim – Explaining My Depression to My Mother
Spoken-Word Poet Rudy Francisco Performs His Poem
YouTube | Spoken-Word Poet Rudy Francisco Performs His Poem “Rifle”
Wake Up! (spoken word poetry) | Jesse Oliver | TEDxPerth
YouTube | Wake Up! (spoken word poetry) | Jesse Oliver | TEDxPerth
Roundhouse: Poetry Slam Final 2022
YouTube | Roundhouse: Poetry Slam Final 2022
More videos
Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye - When Love Arrives
YouTube | Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye – When Love Arrives
Grand Slam Poetry Champion | Harry Baker | TEDxExeter
YouTube | Grand Slam Poetry Champion | Harry Baker | TEDxExeter
What Is Poetry Slam?
YouTube | What Is Poetry Slam?

Play an episode while exploring the page.

Spotify Embed: spoken word
Spotify | spoken word
Spotify Embed: The Dayton Poetry Slam Podcast
Spotify | The Dayton Poetry Slam Podcast
More podcasts

Spoken word is truth from broken pieces of our hearts that bleed from our pen to paper.

Amina Gautier

Basic lingo for orientation.

  • Slam. This is a competitive event where poets perform their poems in front of judges and audiences, who score them based on various criteria. The poet with the highest score wins the slam.
  • Open mic. This is a non-competitive event where anyone can sign up and perform their poems or other forms of spoken word, without any judging or scoring. It is usually a friendly and supportive environment for beginners and experienced poets alike.

Term Videos

How to break the ice and make a start.

First Steps Videos

Get read-y.

Spoken word poems frequently refer to issues of social justice, politics, race, and community.

Step-by-step tutorials.

How-To Videos

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Essentials to have.

Product Demos

Further reading.

Video Articles

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Go-tos for information.

Website Previews

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Spoken word is a way of saying things that need to be said. Things that need to be said to inspire, to heal, to change, to motivate, to uplift, to educate.

David Kirkland

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

Movie Trailers

Louder Than a Bomb documentary trailer - long version
YouTube | Louder Than a Bomb documentary trailer – long version
More movie trailers

Get a clue.

FAQ Videos

Smart start.

App Trailers

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Spoken word can also be a form of empowerment, activism, and healing for marginalized and oppressed groups.

Get smart.

Video Courses and Trailers

Amanda Gorman Teaches Writing and Performing Poetry | Official Trailer | MasterClass
YouTube | Amanda Gorman Teaches Writing and Performing Poetry | Official Trailer | MasterClass

Get together.

Related Videos

Spoken word can be delivered in a variety of styles and can even involve collaboration and experimentation with other art forms, such as music, theatre, and dance.

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Additional advice for beginners.

  • Read and listen to a lot of spoken word poems. This can help you learn from other poets, discover different styles and techniques, and find inspiration and motivation. You can find spoken word poems online, in books, or at live events.
  • Write about what matters to you. This can help you express yourself authentically, connect with your audience, and create a unique voice. You can write about anything that interests you, such as your personal experiences, opinions, feelings, or dreams.

Video Tips


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