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as a hobby

To have another language is to possess a second soul.


Learning a new language can be a fulfilling and rewarding hobby. Languages can open up new worlds of culture, literature, and communication. They can also boost your cognitive skills, memory, and creativity. To get started, you can choose a language that interests you and find online courses, apps, books, podcasts, or videos that suit your level and goals. You can also practice with native speakers or other learners through online platforms or local groups. Learning a language is a hobby that will enrich your life and broaden your horizons.

Helpful content to start languages as a hobby

We aim to provide accurate information, but errors might be found. Always exercise judgment and discretion.

📼 Videos

Short visual inspiration.

YouTube | The benefits of a bilingual brain – Mia Nacamulli
The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli
YouTube | 4 reasons to learn a new language | John McWhorter
4 reasons to learn a new language | John McWhorter

🎙️ Podcasts

Play an episode while exploring the page.

Spotify | Which Language Should You Learn?
Spotify Embed: Which Language Should You Learn?
Spotify | How to Rock Language Learning For Travel
Spotify Embed: How to Rock Language Learning For Travel
Spotify | CBF 1:01 | How are you?
Spotify Embed: CBF 1:01 | How are you?
Spotify | Mi héroe, mi amigo
Spotify Embed: Mi héroe, mi amigo

Research indicates that bilingual speakers can outperform monolinguals–people who speak only one language–in certain mental abilities.

Kroll, Judith. (2008). Juggling Two Languages in One Mind. Psychol. Sci. Agenda. 22.

📜 Terms

Basic lingo for orientation.

  • Polyglots are people who speak many languages
  • Superlinguists are people who study how they do it and why.

How to start languages as a hobby

First moves for getting acquainted and breaking the ice.

A language podcast for your language of choice is a great way to start getting familiar with it, with minimum effort and expense.

Once you are ready, there are many great language-learning apps, such as Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. Some of them offer great features for free, and some incorporate AI into the learning process.

But learning a language is of no use if you don’t use it. Try language exchange apps such as HelloTalk or Tandem to talk with real people (and help them with their own language quest!)

Or just start exploring the world and chatting with it!

📚 Books

Get read-y.

🪜 How-tos

Step-by-step tutorials.

📄 Articles

Further reading.

🌐 Websites

Go-tos for information.

Learning languages can inspire you to learn more. Once you master one language, you may feel motivated to learn another one, or even several more. You can also discover new interests and passions through languages.

🍿 Movies

Nothing like a film for inspiration.


Get a clue.

Which language should I learn first?

Choose a language you find interesting, useful, or beautiful. Consider factors like resources available, difficulty, and your learning style.

Do I need lessons or can I learn on my own?

You absolutely can learn languages on your own with enough dedication. Use apps, online courses, podcasts, audiobooks, texts and more.

How many languages can I learn at once?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on your personal preferences, goals, time availability, and learning strategies. Some people prefer to focus on one language at a time until they reach a certain level of proficiency before moving on to another one. Others like to learn multiple languages simultaneously or switch between them periodically.

📱 Apps

Smart assistance.

📦 Products

Smart assistance.

🎓 Courses

Get smart.

📍 Near You

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📬 Newsletters

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💡 Tips

Additional advice for beginners.

  • Immerse yourself. Listen to music and radio, watch TV shows and videos, read books, magazines, and websites in your target language. Immersion is the best way to learn.
  • Focus on vocabulary building. A strong vocabulary foundation is essential. Learn new words regularly through flashcards, spaced repetition apps, and reading. The Memrise app is great for vocabulary building.
  • Don’t be shy, and allow yourself to make mistakes. The best way to practice a language is by practicing it. You might get shy, self-aware, and strive to speak correctly. These feelings might make you keep your mouth shut. People won’t care if you don’t speak perfectly, and they will probably appreciate your effort to learn their language and be excited to help you.