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Board Games

as a hobby

AKA: Tabletop Games.

Board games are a great hobby for anyone who loves fun, challenge, and social interaction. Board games are tabletop games that use pieces, cards, dice, or other components to create different scenarios and objectives. Playing board games can improve your mental skills, reduce stress, and strengthen your relationships. To get started, you can browse online reviews, join local groups, or visit a board game cafe.

Helpful content to get started

We curated content to familiarize you with board games as a hobby and to inspire and help you get started.

We strive for accuracy, but errors may occur. Always use your judgment.

Refer to the listed resources for further research.

Short visual inspiration.

Top 10 Best Board Games of the Century (So Far)
YouTube | Top 10 Best Board Games of the Century (So Far)
Best Board Games of All time 2023
YouTube | Best Board Games of All time 2023
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Spotify Embed: Episode 7: Board Game Hidden Gems, with Cole Wehrle
Spotify | Episode 7: Board Game Hidden Gems, with Cole Wehrle
Spotify Embed: Shut Up & Sit Down
Spotify | Shut Up & Sit Down
Spotify Embed: #260: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 10-1
Spotify | #260: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 10-1
Spotify Embed: The Dice Tower
Spotify | The Dice Tower
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Spotify Embed: Episode 2 - Why Do We Play Games?
Spotify | Episode 2 – Why Do We Play Games?

Board games are experiencing a huge boom in popularity and diversity. Thanks to the internet, crowdfunding, and conventions, board game enthusiasts can access thousands of new and innovative games from around the world.

Basic lingo for orientation.

  • Abstract game. A game that does not have a theme or a story, and relies only on its mechanics and logic. Examples are Chess, Go, and Qwirkle.
  • Ameritrash game. A game that emphasizes theme, narrative, luck, and player interaction, often with high-quality components and miniatures. Examples are Arkham Horror, Twilight Imperium, and Zombicide.
  • Area control game. A game that involves claiming or occupying territories on a map or a board, and competing with other players for dominance or influence. Examples are Risk, El Grande, and Scythe.
  • Cooperative game. A game that involves working together with other players to achieve a common goal or to defeat a common enemy. Examples are Pandemic, Forbidden Island, and Gloomhaven.
  • Deck-building game. A game that involves creating and customizing your own deck of cards during the game, by acquiring new cards and discarding unwanted ones. Examples are Dominion, Star Realms, and Clank.
  • Drafting game. A game that involves selecting cards or tiles from a pool or a hand, and passing the rest to another player. Examples are Sushi Go!, 7 Wonders, and Terraforming Mars.
  • Eurogame. A game that emphasizes strategy, resource management, optimization, and minimal luck, often with abstract or historical themes. Examples are Catan, Agricola, and Puerto Rico.
  • Legacy game. A game that changes permanently over multiple sessions, based on the actions and choices of the players. Examples are Risk Legacy, Pandemic Legacy, and Gloomhaven.
  • Party game. A game that is designed for large groups of people, often with simple rules, humor, creativity, and social interaction. Examples are Codenames, Dixit, and Cards Against Humanity.
  • Push-your-luck game. A game that involves taking risks for higher rewards, but also higher chances of failure. Examples are Can’t Stop, Incan Gold, and Quacks of Quedlinburg.
  • Roll-and-move game. A game that involves rolling dice and moving pieces on a board according to the result. Examples are Monopoly, The Game of Life, and Snakes and Ladders.
  • Set collection game. A game that involves collecting cards or tiles of the same type or category to score points or trigger effects. Examples are Rummy, Ticket to Ride, and Splendor.
  • Tile-laying game. A game that involves placing tiles on a board or a table to create patterns or landscapes. Examples are Scrabble, Carcassonne, and Azul.
  • Worker placement game. A game that involves placing workers or tokens on various spots on a board to perform actions or gain resources. Examples are Agricola, Lords of Waterdeep, and Viticulture.
  • Meeple. A term for the wooden figures that represent players or characters in many board games. The word is a combination of “my” and “people”. Examples are Carcassonne, Stone Age, and Wingspan.

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Board games are like a gym for your brain. They can improve your memory, cognitive skills, problem-solving, creativity, and social skills. They can also reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Playing board games regularly can boost your mental health and happiness.

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

Movie Trailers

Gamemaster Official Trailer
YouTube | Gamemaster Official Trailer
Wil Wheaton's TableTop
YouTube Playlist | Wil Wheaton’s TableTop
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How do I choose a board game?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a board game, such as your preferences, play style, budget, and group size. You can browse online reviews, recommendations, and forums, or visit a board game cafe or store to try out new games. You can also watch videos, listen to podcasts, or read articles about board games.

How do I find people to play with?

There are many ways to find people to play board games with, depending on your location and availability. You can join local groups, clubs, or events, or invite your friends and family to your own game nights. You can also play online with other players using apps or websites.

FAQ Videos

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YouTube | MONOPOLY GO! Trailer

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Board games can foster deep connections and strong relationships. Playing board games with friends and family can create a fun and positive environment that encourages communication, cooperation, and empathy. Playing board games can also help you meet new people and join communities with similar interests.

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Additional advice for beginners.

  • You might be able to borrow board games from a regular or a dedicated library instead of buying them. Do some Google research for the option available near you.

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