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as a hobby

Drawing is the artist’s most direct and spontaneous expression, a species of writing: it reveals, better than does painting, his true personality.

Edgar Degas

Drawing is a fun and rewarding hobby that anyone can enjoy. Drawing can help you improve your creativity, observation, and communication skills. It can also reduce your stress and boost your mood. To start drawing, all you need is a pencil and paper. You can draw anything you like, from your surroundings to your imagination. You can also learn from books, websites, courses, and podcasts. Drawing is a great way to express yourself and have fun.

Helpful content to get started

We curated content to familiarize you with drawing as a hobby and to inspire and help you get started.

We strive for accuracy, but errors may occur. Always use your judgment.

Refer to the listed resources for further research.

Short visual inspiration.

The Drawing Exercise that Changed My Life
YouTube | The Drawing Exercise that Changed My Life
Start Drawing: PART 1  - Discover Outlines, Edges and Shading - The Fundamentals of Drawing
YouTube | Start Drawing: PART 1 – Discover Outlines, Edges and Shading – The Fundamentals of Drawing
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Spotify Embed: How to Draw
Spotify | How to Draw
Spotify Embed: Fear of Critiques and Attempting Photorealism
Spotify | Fear of Critiques and Attempting Photorealism
Spotify Embed: Drawing Inspiration
Spotify | Drawing Inspiration
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Results indicate that art making resulted in statistically significant lowering of cortisol levels [a stress hormone].

Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Participants’ Responses Following Art Making, Art Therapy

Basic lingo for orientation.

  • Contour drawing: An outline that shows only the edge and not the volume or mass of an object.
  • Perspective: A technique that creates the illusion of depth and distance on a flat surface by using lines that converge at a vanishing point.
  • Shading: A technique that uses different values of light and dark to create the appearance of form, texture, and dimension in a drawing.
  • Sketch: A rough or unfinished drawing that is used to capture the basic idea, shape, or movement of a subject.
  • Composition: The arrangement of elements in a piece of art that creates a sense of balance, harmony, and unity.
  • Gesture drawing: A quick and expressive drawing that captures the movement, posture, and energy of a subject.
  • Value: The relative lightness or darkness of a color or tone in a drawing.
  • Axis line: A straight line, either implied or visible, that runs through an object in its dominant direction. An axis helps to give structure to an object or composition.
  • Blending: A painting technique where the transition between colors and shades appears smooth or gradual.
  • Blocking in: A painting process where the artist roughly establishes the composition and structure of the subject. It’s a popular technique with portrait artists.

Term Videos

How to break the ice and make a start.

First Steps Videos

Get read-y.

Drawing is an excellent way of documenting our observations, thoughts, experiences, and inspirations. Drawing can help us to record what we see, remember what we learn, and reflect on what we do. Drawing can also inspire us to explore new possibilities and perspectives.

Step-by-step tutorials.

How-To Videos

YouTube Playlist | Drawing
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Essentials to have.

Product Demos

Introducing the Strathmore Learning Series
YouTube | Introducing the Strathmore Learning Series

Further reading.

Video Articles

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Go-tos for information.

Website Previews

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Drawing helps us to find interest in the mundane. Drawing can make us more attentive and appreciative of the ordinary things that we often overlook or take for granted. Drawing can reveal the beauty and complexity of everyday objects, scenes, and people.

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

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Get a clue.

Do I need any special talent or skill to start drawing?

No, you don’t. Drawing is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice and guidance. Anyone can start drawing as a hobby and enjoy the benefits of it.

What are the best drawing materials and tools for beginners?

You can start with basic and affordable items, such as pencils, paper, erasers, and sharpeners. You can also experiment with different media, such as pens, charcoal, pastels, markers, etc. to find out what suits your style and preference best. There are great affordable drawing starter kits that can relieve you from wondering about equipment.

How can I learn how to draw better?

There are many ways to learn how to draw better, such as observing other drawings, photos, or real-life objects; practicing regularly and consistently; following tutorials and courses online or offline; getting feedback and critique from others; studying the fundamentals of drawing, such as perspective, proportion, shading, composition, etc.; and trying new techniques, styles, and ideas. There are great books, apps, and courses for learning to draw.

What are some good sources of inspiration for drawing?

There are many sources of inspiration for drawing, such as nature, animals, people, places, objects, emotions, stories, dreams, fantasies, etc. You can also look at other artists’ works, books, magazines, websites, podcasts, etc. to get inspired. The most important thing is to draw what interests you and what makes you happy. If you find yourself in a creative block, you can try the What to Draw? app.

How can I overcome the fear of making mistakes or not being good enough?

The fear of making mistakes or not being good enough is very common among beginners and even experienced artists. The best way to overcome it is to embrace it and learn from it. Mistakes are part of the learning process and they help you grow and improve. Don’t compare yourself to others or judge yourself harshly. Instead, focus on your own progress and achievements. Remember that drawing is a hobby that should bring you joy and satisfaction.

FAQ Videos

Smart assistance.

App Trailers

Learn to draw with AR. Step by step drawing using augmented reality — SketchAR School.
YouTube | Learn to draw with AR. Step by step drawing using augmented reality — SketchAR School.
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Video Courses and Trailers

Beginner's Drawing Course – 40 Episodes! (2020)
YouTube Playlist | Beginner’s Drawing Course – 40 Episodes! (2020)

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Drawing can help reduce stress and anxiety by providing a meditative and relaxing activity. When we draw, we enter into a state of flow that takes our mind off our worries and focuses it on the present moment. Drawing can also be therapeutic, as it allows us to express our emotions and cope with difficult situations.

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Additional advice for beginners.

  • Practice observing. One of the most important skills for drawing is observation. You need to train your eye to see shapes, forms, values, colors, and proportions. You can practice observing by looking at other drawings, photos, or real-life objects and trying to replicate them.
  • Don’t aim for perfection. Drawing is a process of learning and experimenting. You don’t have to get everything right the first time. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try new things. Enjoy the journey and have fun.
  • Take time to doodle. Doodling is a great way to warm up your hand and brain before drawing. It can also help you unleash your creativity and express your emotions. Doodle whatever comes to your mind, without worrying about the outcome.
  • Start with stick figures. Stick figures are a simple and effective way to sketch out the basic structure and pose of a human figure. You can use circles, ovals, and lines to represent the head, torso, limbs, and joints. You can then add details and flesh out the figure later.
  • Play around with light and dark. Light and dark are essential for creating contrast, depth, and mood in your drawings. You can use different values of light and dark to show the shape, form, texture, and direction of your subject. You can also use light and dark to create focal points and draw attention to certain areas.
  • Vary your line quality. Line quality refers to the thickness, smoothness, and sharpness of your lines. You can use different line qualities to create different effects and expressions in your drawings. For example, you can use thick and bold lines to show confidence and strength, or thin and soft lines to show.

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