Are We the Real Music Ruiners?
Before blaming Spotify’s algorithm, ask yourself: Are you engaging intentionally with music? Discovery takes effort—make your listening meaningful.
Embrace the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO): Finding Fulfillment in Your Hobbies
Tired of FOMO? Embrace JOMO! Find joy and fulfillment in your hobbies and discover the power of missing out.
Kickstart Your Reading Hobby with Stuff Your Kindle Day
Discover free ebooks during Stuff Your Kindle Day! Kickstart or enhance your reading hobby.
Don’t Let Spotify Typecast You
Embrace intentional listening to diversify your music experience and explore new genres beyond algorithmic recommendations.
Unleash Your Inner Artist, Then Make Your Move: GenChess Makes Chess Irresistibly Fun
Intimidated by chess? GenChess makes it fun & accessible. Create custom sets & discover the joy of strategy.
The New Weather Map Feature in Google’s Pixel Weather App: A Great Stepping Stone to Amateur Meteorology
The Pixel Weather app’s new weather map feature is a valuable tool for amateur meteorologists, offering real-time weather data and insights into local conditions.
Using AI, Google Lens Can Now Help You Identify Clouds
Google Lens can help you identify clouds and kickstart your cloudspotting hobby.
Judge a Film by Its Cover
Relatively hidden JustWatch features can help you find your next great watch.
Hirayama’s Hobbies
In Wim Wenders’ Perfect Days, Hirayama’s hobbies are integral to his routine providing him with contentment.