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We know we should exercise, we resolve to be more active, and yet we fail to stick with our fitness routine. This is likely because perseverance requires passion, which is probably lacking in our fitness attempts. Instead, we should find a hobby that we are truly interested in, to keep us active.
Physical activity is important to our well-being:
We know that physical activity is good for us: exercising more is the most common New Year’s resolution, both according to Statista and YouGov.
Although we resolve to improve our fitness, most of us don’t stick with our resolutions:
Indeed, most of us aren’t physically active enough:
And that’s also true globally:
We know we should exercise, we resolve to exercise, but we don’t persevere in exercising.Why?Of course, we can blame things like not having enough time. But the truth is that we are better at finding time for things are excited about about.Perseverance requires passion and interest. Together, they constitute grit, which research found to be the most significant predictor of success.Many of our fitness attempts lack passion or interest, so it is no wonder we don’t persevere with them.
To persevere in fitness we should look for activities that make our hearts race not just literally but also figuratively. We need to find something we are passionate about and interested in.We need to find a hobby. Hobbies can have us improving our fitness as a byproduct, subconsciously, while engaged in an enjoyable, meaningful activity.
Each hobby page is curated to inspire and help you get started.