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photo of woman singing in music studio


as a hobby

Singing is a form of meditation. It’s about living in the moment and being present. It’s about breathing and letting go of judgment and fear. It’s about connecting with yourself and others on a deeper level.

Idina Menzel

Singing is a fun and rewarding hobby that anyone can enjoy. Singing can improve your mood, health, confidence, and creativity. It can also help you express yourself and connect with others. To get started with singing, you need a few things: a passion for music, a willingness to learn, and some basic tools and guidance. You can find many resources online or in your community to help you improve your singing skills.

Helpful content to start singing as a hobby

We aim to provide accurate information, but errors might be found. Always exercise judgment and discretion.

📼 Videos

Short visual inspiration.

YouTube | Your FIRST Singing Lesson (Beginner Lesson from a REAL Vocal Coach)
Your FIRST Singing Lesson (Beginner Lesson from a REAL Vocal Coach)
YouTube | How to Sing for Beginners: 7 Easy Tips to Start Now
How to Sing for Beginners: 7 Easy Tips to Start Now
YouTube | Vocal Lessons – Day 1 – Singing Lessons For Beginners | 30 Day Singer
Vocal Lessons - Day 1 - Singing Lessons For Beginners | 30 Day Singer

🎙️ Podcasts

Play an episode while exploring the page.

Spotify | Episode 79 – On Being a Beginner
Spotify Embed: Episode 79 - On Being a Beginner
Spotify | Episode 187 – Beginning Singing
Spotify Embed: Episode 187 - Beginning Singing
Spotify | Episode 1 – The Greatest Secret of Singing
Spotify Embed: Episode 1 - The Greatest Secret of Singing
Spotify | 1: If you're not confident with your singing, please listen to this…
Spotify Embed: 1: If you're not confident with your singing, please listen to this...
Spotify | 12: How to sing better as a beginner
Spotify Embed: 12: How to sing better as a beginner
Spotify | Episode 80: How To Sing – Singing For Beginners Masterclass.
Spotify Embed: Episode 80: How To Sing - Singing For Beginners Masterclass.
Spotify | Episode 27 – John Henny with “The Quickest Way To Improve Your Singing”!
Spotify Embed: Episode 27 - John Henny with

Singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth.

Edith Piaf

📜 Terms

Basic lingo for orientation.

  • Pitch: The frequency or highness/lowness of a sound. Singing in tune means matching the pitch of a note or a melody.
  • Tone: The quality or color of a sound. Singing with a good tone means producing a clear, pleasant, and consistent sound.
  • Range: The span of pitches that a singer can produce. Singing with a wide range means being able to sing high and low notes comfortably.
  • Register: The part of the range where a singer produces a certain type of sound. Singing in different registers means switching between chest voice, head voice, falsetto, etc.
  • Breath support: The use of the diaphragm and other muscles to control the airflow and pressure for singing. Singing with breath support means having enough air to sustain long phrases and avoid strain.
  • Resonance: The amplification and enrichment of sound by the vocal tract. Singing with resonance means using the mouth, nose, and throat to create a fuller and louder sound.
  • Vibrato: The slight variation in pitch and volume that adds expression to singing. Singing with vibrato means having a natural and controlled oscillation of the voice.
  • Harmony: The combination of two or more pitches that sound pleasing together. Singing in harmony means blending your voice with another singer or an instrument.
  • Melisma: The technique of singing multiple notes on one syllable. Singing with melisma means adding embellishments and ornaments to a melody.

How to start singing as a hobby

First moves for getting acquainted and breaking the ice.

Before getting serious with singing, have fun with it: download a karaoke app and sing along.

Once you become aware of your beginner’s voice limitations, you’ll get inspired to expand them. Your next step could be YouTube tutorials for some basics, followed by online courses or in-person lessons.

📚 Books

Get read-y.

Singing can make you happier. Singing can release endorphins and oxytocin, hormones that make you feel good and reduce stress and anxiety. Singing can also increase your self-esteem and confidence by giving you a sense of achievement and expression.

🪜 How-tos

Step-by-step tutorials.

YouTube | How To Sing Without Disturbing Neighbors | Warm Up Quietly
How To Sing Without Disturbing Neighbors | Warm Up Quietly

📄 Articles

Further reading.

🌐 Websites

Go-tos for information.

Singing can improve your memory and cognition. Singing involves multiple brain functions, such as auditory, motor, and emotional processing. Singing can stimulate these areas and enhance your neural connections, which can improve your memory and cognition.

🍿 Movies

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

YouTube | Pitch Perfect – Trailer (HD)
Pitch Perfect - Trailer (HD)
YouTube | The Sound of Music (1965) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
The Sound of Music (1965) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers


Get a clue.

Is singing a hobby?

Yes, singing is a hobby. A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time, and singing definitely fits the bill. Singing is a great way to express yourself creatively, relieve stress, and connect with others.

Can anyone learn to sing?

Yes, anyone can learn to sing with proper training and practice. Singing is a skill that can be improved with time and effort. You don’t need to have a natural talent or a perfect voice to enjoy singing as a hobby.

What are the benefits of singing as a hobby?

Singing as a hobby can have many benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Singing can relieve stress, boost your mood, improve your immune system, enhance your memory and concentration, increase your confidence and self-esteem, and expand your social network. Singing can also be a source of joy, creativity, and fulfillment.

What are the challenges of singing as a hobby?

Singing as a hobby can also have some challenges that you need to overcome. Singing can be demanding on your voice and your body, so you need to take care of your vocal health and avoid habits that can damage your voice. Singing can also expose you to criticism and judgment from others, so you need to develop a positive attitude and cope with feedback.

How can I practice singing without interrupting the neighbors?

– Practice at reasonable hours.
– Practice in a quiet room. You can also use curtains, carpets, or blankets to absorb some sounds and make the space more acoustically friendly.
– Practice softly. You don’t have to sing at full volume to practice your vocal skills.
– Try following this guide.

📱 Apps

Smart assistance.

YouTube | Join Smule! Choose from millions of karaoke songs.
Join Smule! Choose from millions of karaoke songs.
YouTube | Sing Karaoke with Video – Google Play
Sing Karaoke with Video - Google Play

📦 Products

Essentials to have.

🎓 Courses

Get smart.

📍 Near You

Get together.

Singing is like a celebration of oxygen.


📬 Newsletters

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💡 Tips

Additional advice for beginners.